www.parkandride.net national directory community  
the forum idea has been put forward by the new marketing department commissioned by the directory. The aim is to get Park and Ride operators exchanging views and communicating to each other over all matters
park and ride, creating a Park and Ride community whereby members can exchange ideas and views, issues such as security and vandalism can be discussed. 'ParkandRide.net is constantly contacted by people wishing to get infomation about which we cannot supply, pointing them to a central forum where they can talk to owners and managers of park and rides, like minded people who can help them with the information they seek'.

Funding for the
Park and Ride Community site :

Parkandride.net is a subscription based directory and it is hoped that part of the funding will come from here. However if any parkandride organisation be it private or
one of the larger council based sites wishes to back the scheme this would be great, and would obviously get the program up and running sooner rather than later.

Interested in the Community idea?
If you want to become a member of the parkand ride.net community site or have any views, ideas or want to help fund the development then please fill in the details below.

I would be interested in becoming a member
do you have any comments about
the Park and Ride community website?: