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We are looking to improve the site as often as we can, over the next few months will be adding new features in the form of the icons you see running across the top of each city's park and ride. Some are just simple rollovers giving you information, others you can click on to get enhanced information

Please see the key below:

    Site information buttons and facilities key *
interactive location map and route planner google maps this is a very powerful tool that not only shows you the exact positioning of a park and ride site on a map of the UK, but also has a built in route planner. For more information on how to use this tool click here
sat nav co-ordinates sat nav icon gives you accurate co-ordinates to programme into your in car satellite navigation system
camper van information camper vans welcome icon
gives you any height restrictions that may be in place
weather forecast weather icon graphic give's you a 5 day weather forecast of the city you plan to visit
maximum stay maximum stay icon informs you of the maximum length of time you can park at a site
no charge for parking if parking is free for that particular site, please note some park and ride facilities do not charge for parking
but there will be a charge for using the bus
cycle facilities whether or not the site has cycle parking facilities
disabled access whether or not the site has disabled facilities
information point whether or not the site has an information point
waiting facilities whether or not there are waiting facilities at the site
overnight parking
whether or not the site allows overnight parking
snack bar whether or not there is a snack bar or vending machine at the site
telephone whether or not there is a public telephone at the site
w.c. whether or not there are toilet facilities at the site
take credit cards whether or not the site takes credit card payments
cctv in operation or other form of security cctv icon whether or not there are security patrols or CCTV on site
capacity of site capacity icon maximum number of spaces for that site
    if you feel that there is any other information you would like to see displayed on our site please let us know
contact us here
  * please note we aim to give accurate information but for more detailed information please contact the site owners or the local county council direct. cannot be held responsible if information differs from that of the park and ride site it pertains to.