Park and Ride information for Falmouth
Falmouth offers a seasonal Park and Ride service running from 25th May to 25th September. There is limited long stay parking in Falmouth so visitors to the town can now help reduce congestion and pollution by using the Park & Ride or Float on the outskirts of town at Ponsharden. Ponsharden is the ideal place to leave your car before heading into Falmouth or further afield for the day.
Ferries depart from the car park every 20 minutes to Customs House Quay and buses every 20 minutes going direct to Falmouth's High Street and Prince of Wales Pier.
Falmouth Ponsharden Park and Ride/Float TR10 8AD | |
For more information on Falmouth Park and Ride/Float click here
other information:
• 500 spaces
• toilets
• refreshments
• carpark locked at 21:00 every night
• classic wooden ferry boats